Monday, February 23, 2009

Fashion Weak?(Pun intended)

This somehow escaped me, but as usual the internet brought me back to reality. To be honest I generally care about 0 about fashion, and this is no exception. The clothes? Overpriced and generally ugly. An expensive name that makes you look rich if you wear it. Abercrombie all grown up? If you were wearing something exactly like a designer piece, but minus the label, people would mock it, actually they might mock it anyhow.
If I want to be mocked it's NOT going to be for THOSE clothes. It's going to be for something CREATIVE.

Sorry runway fans.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Do you get me bitch?

I actually rarely shop at Urban Outfitters partly because it's expensive and partly because SOMEONE in likely to have it , but they have had some nice leather/fake leather things lately and the risky business sunglasses in animal prints(see Leopard Printed)are pretty sweet.
My favorite thing to come in lately at UO that I would call "sweet" is this dress:

Way back at the end of January(okay not that long ago, but I feels like a long time, hey?) I posted a "punk" vest saying I was going shopping for materials that weekend and making one. Well as a procrastinator I never did, but tomorrow I actually am going shopping. No excuses.
As you can imagine I'm excited!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Leopard printed,

Currently my leopard print collection consists of 2 headbands(soon to be 3, since I have such nice friends),one of the headbands, though, is a scarf I cut in half, a cardigan and pair of pants that I customized using fabric that came from a friend who got it from the pillowcase of another friend. This is SAD seeing as I love leopard print. To add to my collection I'd like to buy these:

I feel like the socks would look perfect with boots and tights and a mini dress.
Credits to:,, and

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Some of my friends sell records, some of my friends sell drugs,

In math class today, we got a seating plan, how wonderfully elementary school of the teacher, hey? We didn't even have setting plans in JH. She put me next to a girl I know from a couple drunken events. I'm pretty jealous of her, I mean she has a shaved head and she still looks fucking gorgeous, how many people can do that?
So were sitting there in a class of dancers and cheerleaders who don't seem to grasp fractions, and I look over at her and she is drawing my teacher nude with hideous hanging breasts, fried eggs on a nail and Jesus in a baller hat, and that put me over the edge with laughter. I spent the remainder of the class drawing my teacher as a gremlin with a flaming satan behind her. The teacher thought at the end of class that it would be a good idea to try and better understand what goes through my friends head and why she doesn't participate in class, well dear, one, that whole class with about 4 exceptions is fucking annoying, two, you aren't going to understand a girl that different, trust me.

On a lighter note, I'm really enjoying this from : Image and video hosting by TinyPic