Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Some of my friends sell records, some of my friends sell drugs,

In math class today, we got a seating plan, how wonderfully elementary school of the teacher, hey? We didn't even have setting plans in JH. She put me next to a girl I know from a couple drunken events. I'm pretty jealous of her, I mean she has a shaved head and she still looks fucking gorgeous, how many people can do that?
So were sitting there in a class of dancers and cheerleaders who don't seem to grasp fractions, and I look over at her and she is drawing my teacher nude with hideous hanging breasts, fried eggs on a nail and Jesus in a baller hat, and that put me over the edge with laughter. I spent the remainder of the class drawing my teacher as a gremlin with a flaming satan behind her. The teacher thought at the end of class that it would be a good idea to try and better understand what goes through my friends head and why she doesn't participate in class, well dear, one, that whole class with about 4 exceptions is fucking annoying, two, you aren't going to understand a girl that different, trust me.

On a lighter note, I'm really enjoying this from www.angryyoungandpoor.com : Image and video hosting by TinyPic

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