Friday, April 24, 2009

The boycott of American Apparel

I'm resolving to longer support American Apparel.
For a while I was hearing buzz about American Apparel and Owner Dov Charney. Dov Charney has allegedly sexually harassed several employees, but who's to say how legit these claims are? Especially considering their dismissal

What really made me question my support of them was the owner of a local store called Earth's General Store who has ceased selling American Apparel products in his store for the basic reason that he doesn't agree with some of the business practices of the company, not stating specifically which ones.
Whether or not these(mostly dismissed) sexual harassment allegations were founded American Apparel has been raising their prices since I began shopping there in 2005 when I was 11. While I understand that paying home-based workers fair wages will require you charge more for the merchandise produced, I can't justify $57.00 PLUS GST for a 3 pack of t-shirts when I can no doubt purchase a $7.00 pack of plain white shirts and some fabric dye.
What made these basics so popular anyways? That's all they are: basics. An outfit is NOT complete when you're wearing a generic pair of skinny jeans, an AA V-neck, and an AA hoodie.

Cute. Really, I hope you realize when you're 40 that you guys looked like twats.
I was telling a friend about this while sitting in a nearly empty hall of my school, I looked down the hall to see 6 other people in the hall. Half wearing this hoodie, and to top it off, all in the same colour. The other half, never you fear were also wearing AA.

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