Monday, January 26, 2009

just keep truckin' on...

In preparation for the ending term I find myself panicking over no longer being in art. That class was getting to be the only thing getting me out of bed in the mornings. Aside from heading out to the art supply store to do some damage control and buy myself an easel to replace my drawing table I reminisced about the term. This past term in art we had a wonderfully creative artist as our artist in residence, Spyder Yardley Jones. Now, I have to interject my art talk with a love for style, and this man had it! The shaved/bald head, thick framed glasses, lose pants, tight tank top, and Doc Martens. Style perfection, classic skinhead look, accompanied by several tatoos including my personal favorite "Toon nerd" written on his knuckles. Now normally trying to do cartoons sends me over the edge, something about the things, all colourful and overly-happy, but his drawing were far from, You can see some of them at his web site,

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