Friday, April 24, 2009

The boycott of American Apparel

I'm resolving to longer support American Apparel.
For a while I was hearing buzz about American Apparel and Owner Dov Charney. Dov Charney has allegedly sexually harassed several employees, but who's to say how legit these claims are? Especially considering their dismissal

What really made me question my support of them was the owner of a local store called Earth's General Store who has ceased selling American Apparel products in his store for the basic reason that he doesn't agree with some of the business practices of the company, not stating specifically which ones.
Whether or not these(mostly dismissed) sexual harassment allegations were founded American Apparel has been raising their prices since I began shopping there in 2005 when I was 11. While I understand that paying home-based workers fair wages will require you charge more for the merchandise produced, I can't justify $57.00 PLUS GST for a 3 pack of t-shirts when I can no doubt purchase a $7.00 pack of plain white shirts and some fabric dye.
What made these basics so popular anyways? That's all they are: basics. An outfit is NOT complete when you're wearing a generic pair of skinny jeans, an AA V-neck, and an AA hoodie.

Cute. Really, I hope you realize when you're 40 that you guys looked like twats.
I was telling a friend about this while sitting in a nearly empty hall of my school, I looked down the hall to see 6 other people in the hall. Half wearing this hoodie, and to top it off, all in the same colour. The other half, never you fear were also wearing AA.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Smoke 2 joints in the morning,

One number you NEED to know? 420! 420! 420!

YES, YES, YES! My second favorite day of the year, ahead of my birthday, behind Christmas. April 20th is no longer just Hitler's birthday, it's also the day to celebrate a gift given to the world, WEED!
Educate. Regulate. End the prison state. Whether you smoke or not legalization is the obvious answer. SO if you can join a legalization march on 420. It's HIGH time.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Platnum blonde life

Currently my hair is not too different from this:

Although my hair is without a doubt neater, a bit thinner, with more wave and less curl. The colour, length, and cut however are spot on. It's been a perfect look for me for the last 4 months and I plan to keep it for a while. The question is, when to change it and what to change it to? A Chelsea Mohawk? Perhaps. The hairstyle is without a doubt not for the faint of heart.

I like the idea of getting this done without any warning when I get my high nostril piercings for my 16th birthday and showing up at some sort of party filled with people I know and shocking everyone I know. Good wholesome fun.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

RIOT GRRRLS and third wave feminism?

Ever heard of Kathleen Hanna? No? How about Bikini Kill? The answer still no? What about Le Tigre? I bet you have.

Kathleen Hanna played an important part in the rise of third wave feminism(Early 1990s) with Riot Grrrl feminism. Riot Grrrl feminism was an underground punk scene based on DIY, self reliance, and female independence.

Someone who fights for female rights AND has her own DIY punk style? I'm in.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Campaign for real beauty?

Dove's(Unliever) "campaign for real beauty" has many things obviously wrong with it, but cellulite creams aside, how can a campaign that markets itself as something beautiful be so ugly? Not only does this company test on animals but Dove like so many other companies make products that contain a toxic chemicals, pythalates.
Does anyone else sense irony?
Want to know more? Check out:

Monday, February 23, 2009

Fashion Weak?(Pun intended)

This somehow escaped me, but as usual the internet brought me back to reality. To be honest I generally care about 0 about fashion, and this is no exception. The clothes? Overpriced and generally ugly. An expensive name that makes you look rich if you wear it. Abercrombie all grown up? If you were wearing something exactly like a designer piece, but minus the label, people would mock it, actually they might mock it anyhow.
If I want to be mocked it's NOT going to be for THOSE clothes. It's going to be for something CREATIVE.

Sorry runway fans.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Do you get me bitch?

I actually rarely shop at Urban Outfitters partly because it's expensive and partly because SOMEONE in likely to have it , but they have had some nice leather/fake leather things lately and the risky business sunglasses in animal prints(see Leopard Printed)are pretty sweet.
My favorite thing to come in lately at UO that I would call "sweet" is this dress:

Way back at the end of January(okay not that long ago, but I feels like a long time, hey?) I posted a "punk" vest saying I was going shopping for materials that weekend and making one. Well as a procrastinator I never did, but tomorrow I actually am going shopping. No excuses.
As you can imagine I'm excited!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Leopard printed,

Currently my leopard print collection consists of 2 headbands(soon to be 3, since I have such nice friends),one of the headbands, though, is a scarf I cut in half, a cardigan and pair of pants that I customized using fabric that came from a friend who got it from the pillowcase of another friend. This is SAD seeing as I love leopard print. To add to my collection I'd like to buy these:

I feel like the socks would look perfect with boots and tights and a mini dress.
Credits to:,, and

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Some of my friends sell records, some of my friends sell drugs,

In math class today, we got a seating plan, how wonderfully elementary school of the teacher, hey? We didn't even have setting plans in JH. She put me next to a girl I know from a couple drunken events. I'm pretty jealous of her, I mean she has a shaved head and she still looks fucking gorgeous, how many people can do that?
So were sitting there in a class of dancers and cheerleaders who don't seem to grasp fractions, and I look over at her and she is drawing my teacher nude with hideous hanging breasts, fried eggs on a nail and Jesus in a baller hat, and that put me over the edge with laughter. I spent the remainder of the class drawing my teacher as a gremlin with a flaming satan behind her. The teacher thought at the end of class that it would be a good idea to try and better understand what goes through my friends head and why she doesn't participate in class, well dear, one, that whole class with about 4 exceptions is fucking annoying, two, you aren't going to understand a girl that different, trust me.

On a lighter note, I'm really enjoying this from : Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I'm dancing barefoot...

I know idolizing the style of someone like Patti Smith is somewhat of an oxymoron, but COME ON, the girl looked sort of a messy way that only the truly confident can getaway with. So, ignoring the slight riduclousness of this, isn't she stylish?

Monday, January 26, 2009

just keep truckin' on...

In preparation for the ending term I find myself panicking over no longer being in art. That class was getting to be the only thing getting me out of bed in the mornings. Aside from heading out to the art supply store to do some damage control and buy myself an easel to replace my drawing table I reminisced about the term. This past term in art we had a wonderfully creative artist as our artist in residence, Spyder Yardley Jones. Now, I have to interject my art talk with a love for style, and this man had it! The shaved/bald head, thick framed glasses, lose pants, tight tank top, and Doc Martens. Style perfection, classic skinhead look, accompanied by several tatoos including my personal favorite "Toon nerd" written on his knuckles. Now normally trying to do cartoons sends me over the edge, something about the things, all colourful and overly-happy, but his drawing were far from, You can see some of them at his web site,

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Summer never comes

As I sink deeper into the depression that winter brings me I find myself caring less about how I look and grunge-y looking me turns to bag lady me.
You know those days where you find yourself wearing the same hoodie and skirt you wore the last two days?

You might wonder, what's my plan of action to break out of this funk and laziness?
Well m'dears, my plan of action is a DYI project.

It's name? The punk vest.

Tomorrow I am heading down to my local Goodwill and picking myself up a denim vest I've had my eye on then ambling down to my local punk store to buy a back patch and some spikes or studs.

If I'm lucky a couple friends will feel the same burning urge that I feel to make a vest too and it'll turn into a DYI night, but I have my most certain doubts.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

None of them knew they were robots

The idea of starting a blog is well, very intimidating. First they ask you to name it, but no matter what you think of, that hint of doubt lingers in your mind as to whether that is a ridiculous sounding name or not. I myself am actually not a reader of blogs, aside from I also habitually check Lookbook. nu.

So after you've named your blog, you have to post in it, otherwise, what was the point? And if you're like me, you're sitting there worrying that it sounds like you're forcing the words out. Then you realize that introducing yourself is likely a good Idea.

I don't really want to use my name, so we'll skip that part.
My style influences include Debbie Harry, Patti Smith, The Ramones, Bag Ladies, Courtney Love, Babes in Toyland, and the obvious Kurt Cobain. The funny thing about those people, is it's kind of a giant oxymoron. The anti fashion as fashion influences?